IIQMS is an exciting institution of Higher Education that prepares students for confronting 21st-century business challenges while thriving within an ever-changing environment.
We leave our international business students with the knowledge and tools needed to be positive contributors to any successful business organization.
Through our hands-on programs, IIQMS provides students with transferable skills in a multicultural and progressive environment, where cutting-edge theory interlinks with practical experience. Our business programs create the ideal platform, whether the student is embarking on their career, re-entering the job market, or is seeking to move into a leadership position. IIQMS caters to every individual’s needs with an emphasis on a modern curriculum, enabling students to achieve their academic goals while evolving within an international milieu.
Our staff is highly motivated to help students succeed in their education and career, providing them with the know-how and passion to guide students on their journey.
We look forward to welcoming you and helping you prepare for the business world of tomorrow.

International Online University


IIQMS strives to develop students soft and hard skills, for them to thrive in an ever-changing and challenging professional environment

Professional Network

The IIQMS offers students the opportunity to become part of and build their own professional network to support their career 


International Media