IIQMS Vision & Mission Statement:

We strive to become one of the most relevant private international schools with Swiss quality business higher education through the development of competent future leaders and ready to start specialists. We do this through the delivery of a comprehensive and highly practical students’ experience based on:

  • Entrepreneurial Drive,
  • Teamwork,
  • Respect for all Society Stakeholders
  • Commitment to Excellence
  • Responsible attitude towards sustainable development goals.

IIQMS Core Values

Entrepreneurial drive and proactivity

We develop people who take ownership of their ideas and run with them: they take responsibility to make things happen.

Teamwork and respect

We develop people who understand that their success is dependent on their ability to work with and respect others.

Commitment to excellence

We develop people who have a passion to succeed and strive for excellence in anything they do.


We develop people who have a profound sense of responsibility and humanity to mesh business and society.

Student education centric

We develop people who are open to an inspiring, committed and responsible approach towards a great experience for all school’s stakeholders.

IIQMS Behavioral Competencies

Open to change and to create opportunities

Adapt to circumstances; challenge status-quo; generate new ideas.

Work together and share knowledge and information

Share knowledge and information; respect and value input of others; cooperate; build talented teams; fight for ideas not with people.

Get it done

Engage towards excellence; deliver results through decisive, accurate, quality and timely results.

Act responsibly

Adhere and advertise school core values; foster trust, respect and solidarity between all world stakeholders (People, Planet, Profit).

Be honest

Tell it like it is; have the courage to be honest with yourself and your colleagues; recognize your mistakes; call for help when needed.